Africana parla dell’Africa, di noi e del futuro…Una presa malinconica… una piccola parte di un grande progetto.
We, the first world, we did not forget the land.
We use it for the crop, we exploit it for mining for timber,
We forgot them.
We forgot the people.
They are more than 1 billion, they are young, they are strong. We believe that they will become silent slaves of consumerism like us.
We believe that they will be happy with charity, we believe they will not understand.
They are staring at us.
There will be hope in Africa.
Every picture is a metaphor for a violence you can not turn the page you must wait.
Photography not to forget but to accept, to accept our humanity.
This is Africana.
Africana è un lungo progetto documentario iniziato nei primi anni del 2000 durante le mie peregrinazioni africane. Ho iniziato a chiedermi se la rappresentazione post colonialista che (incosapevolmente) la fotografia di reportage classica faceva dell’Africa avesse senso.
Influenzato fortemente da quello che stava accadendo nel mondo autoriale di fianco a progetti un po’ pompati e pietistici che tanto mi avrebbero fatto lavorare in tutto il continente ne ho inziato uno parallelo di lungo periodo.
Africana is a long documentary project started in the early 2000s during my African wanderings. I began to wonder if the post-colonial representation that (unwittingly) classic reportage photography made of Africa made sense. Strongly influenced by what was happening in the authorial world, alongside somewhat pumped-up and pietistic projects that would have made me work so much across the continent, I started a long-term parallel.